Make love special
These are the top 50 suggestions that young people in SW London said they would promise to do to show someone they loved them without having sex...

- Support and appreciate you
- Give you a cuddle
- Look after you when you're ill
- Pay you lots of compliments
- Make you a present
- Respect you for who you are
- Take you out for dinner or cook for you
- Send you a romantic text message
- Be honest with you
- Surprise you
- Give you your own space
- Be faithful to you/not cheat on you
- Be understanding
- Respect your decisions
- Always think about how you feel
- Share their feelings with you
- Go to the seaside with you
- Hold your hand
- Stay in and watch a movie with you
- Stay in and watch a movie with you

- Give you a neck/back massage
- Run you a warm bubble bath
- Watch football with you
- Buy you flowers or chocolates
- Shelter you from the rain
- Watch you play sports
- Open the door for you
- Make you a cup of tea
- Walk your dog for you in the morning
- Express their feelings and emotions to you
- Not push you into things you aren't ready for
- Make you breakfast in bed
- Show you affection
- Get on well with your family
- Smile whenever they see you
- Send you a good morning text
- Be patient with you
- Accept you as you are
- Buy you teddies
- Play on your Xbox and let you win

- Express love in words
- Let you be yourself
- Write you a poem
- Say 'I love you' every day
- Write something nice on your Facebook wall
- Kiss you
- Write a sexy message on your back and get you to guess what it says
- Listen to what you say
- Spend time with you
- Leave you little notes to make you smile