Free online STI testing kits
Protect YOU,
Regular sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing is essential for looking after your health, and the health of those you have sex with. Young people are significantly affected by STIs, with 15-24 year olds accounting for 63% of chlamydia diagnoses in the UK.
As STIs such as chlamydia are so common in young people, it is recommended that anyone under 25 that is sexually active should get tested once a year, or whenever they change sexual partners.

You can’t tell just by looking at someone whether or not they have a STI. Anyone who has ever had sex or sexual contact with another person could have one. Quite often you don’t even have symptoms, and can pass on STIs without even knowing it.
The good news is most STIs can be easily treated and it is now easier than ever to get tested across London. You can do this free and confidentially online.
So what services are there available online?
If you are 16-24 years old you can order a test for chlamydia and gonorrhea to be delivered to you. Find out more at the Free Test Me website.
You just need to give them some simple details and they will send a small discreet (no one will know it is a sexual health test) kit through your letterbox for you to complete and freepost back. You will be notified when you can see your results online by text or email.
Get It is a free & confidential service, for young people to access condoms and/or Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea testing kits for residents of Wandsworth, Richmond or Merton.
If you are under the age of 16 and need to speak to someone about sex, or get sexual health advice, or if you are concerned that you are at risk of an STI or HIV then please call your appropriate clinic who can advise you further. This could be because you have had sex without a condom, or that it broke, for example.
Remember during the COVID19 pandemic the clinic may take longer than usual to get back to you, so please don’t delay making contact.

Types of STIs
There are roughly 25 different STIs but we’re going to focus on the more common ones amongst young people.

- Is the most common STI amongst young women and young men under 25.
- Most people don’t realise they have it because they don’t get any symptoms.
- Can be easily treated with antibiotics.
- Can cause infertility (unable to have children) in women and men if left untreated.

- Is caused by a bacteria, which can live in semen, pre-ejaculate (precum) and vaginal fluids.
- Often doesn't have any symptoms and so people assume they don't have it.
- Can be treated with antibiotics. If gonorrhoea is treated early it is unlikely to cause any long term problems.
- If left untreated can cause infertility (unable to have children) in men and women.

- There are three types of hepatitis; A, B and C but they are not very common in the UK and you are very unlikely to get Hepatitis C through unprotected sex.
- Hepatitis A is a virus which causes an infection of the gut that is passed on through infected faeces (poo). It can be passed on through stimulating a partner's anus with your tongue or fingers even if their anal area looks clean.
- Hepatitis B is a virus, which is present in body fluids such as blood, saliva, semen and vaginal fluid. It can be passed from person to person through unprotected sex.
- There can be no symptoms, but initial symptoms can be similar to the flu such as temperature, muscle and joint pain and feeling sick.

- Is a virus that damages the immune system and lives in the blood, semen, pre-ejaculate (precum), vaginal fluids or breast milk of an infected person.
- Symptoms may not be obvious and at the beginning could feel like having the flu.
- Has no cure, only medication to help you live with the symptoms for the rest of your life.
- The only way to tell if you have HIV is to have a test. Order an HIV test online, or contact an NHS run sexual health service to arrange an appointment if you have particular concerns or worries about HIV.
Find where to get tested in your area, by visiting our Services pages.
View a short film made by students in a SW London school to raise awareness about HIV:

If you are worried that you have been exposed to HIV within the last 72 hours you may be able to access emergency medication (PEP – Post Exposure Prophylaxis) from a GUM clinic, a sexual health clinic or an accident and emergency (A&E) department. The doctor or nurse will ask you some questions and assess whether or not the treatment will be of benefit to you.
To speak to someone in person, call THT Direct on
for more information on PEP and where to get it.

- Is caused by a bacteria, which lives in the blood.
- Symptoms can be difficult to recognise and you might not notice them; however there are three stages of symptoms, with the first being one or more painless sores often around the genitals and the second being a painless rash which can spread all over the body. The third stage only occurs when it is untreated after many years and can cause serious damage to major organs.
- Can be treated with antibiotics.
- If left untreated can cause very serious health problems in both men and women and even death, but this is very rare in the UK.
For more information about STIs, visit our STI page.