
We are committed to improving issues of access and inclusion and the development of our website reflects these concerns.

If you have any questions or concerns about accessibility on this website, please email While we cannot guarantee that we will take every concern into account immediately, we will work to include the issues raised in ongoing reviews and updates to our site.

Our approach

We want a website that works for everyone, so we focus on listening to our users about what works and what doesn't.

We comply with World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) web standards in all our websites, except in specific cases where we feel that not doing so provides a better experience for all users.

This includes:

  • Ensuring the site can be accessed by people using assistive software.
  • Ensuring all pages on this site are XHTML, with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for layout. Tables are used for data, wherever needed.
  • Designing our website to comply with the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Accessibility Initiative (W3CWAI) Level 2 (AA) guidelines as a minimum but where possible we comply with the higher level 3 (AAA) guidelines.

In addition to this we try to ensure that:

  • We write our content in plain, clear English which is appropriate to our subject matter.
  • We describe all images appropriately using Alt text for those using assistive software or text browsers.
  • We pay attention to good contrast and, particularly, legibility. Our site is designed to be easy to read through our use of colour and typography.
  • Where videos and interactive features are used, we will always provide alternative ways of accessing information.
  • We use Javascript as little as possible and where we use it we always provide a working alternative for those with Javascript turned off. We only use AJAX where there is no alternative.

Making our site suit you:

  • Our site can be resized in all modern browsers, giving control over the website’s appearance to our users.
  • If you are having difficulties viewing our pages, most browsers allow users to change the settings to alter the way pages are displayed, which may improve readability.

Most browsers allow you to:

  • Ignore settings specified by a web page.
  • Change the font size.
  • Change the font style.
  • Change the font colour.
  • Change the background colour.
  • Stop images downloading (so they are not visible).

You can read more about this on the main NHS website: