Choosing to have sex for the first time or with someone new can be scary and it can seem tempting to have a few drinks if you’re nervous of being naked in front of someone or worried about ‘getting it right’.
Although it may seem like a good idea at the time, having sex whilst drunk can make you take risks you wouldn’t when sober and lead to decisions you may later regret. The more you drink, the less careful you are, and this can have serious consequences when it comes to sex and your personal safety.
Alcohol can affect your judgement
You may forget to use a condom or find it harder to have that discussion, leaving you at risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). You could choose to have sex with someone you don’t even fancy or be pushed into something you would never do when sober. Being drunk can make you feel confused or ill, which can make the experience unpleasant.
Also for men, alcohol can actually have a negative effect on their sexual performance, making it harder to get and maintain an erection.
You might find yourself being sick from drinking too much alcohol; if you’re taking a contraceptive pill this could make the pill less effective which puts you more at risk of an unplanned pregnancy.
Is it really worth the regret and worry afterwards?

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