& Extremism
Exploitation is when a person is treated unfairly to gain an advantage over them, without full agreement or understanding. It can mean you are made to do something, even when you feel that you are willingly taking part. Exploitation of young people can take many forms, including child sexual exploitation, or spreading messages or fear that can drive people toward terrorism .
Radicalisation and Extremism
Radicalisation is the process by which you or a friend might come to adopt extreme political, social or religious beliefs over time. Extremism is when you act on these radical beliefs in a way which can lead to harming others, or supporting terrorism . Such beliefs can often be shared through social media platforms, creating a shared interest group or social network.
You or a friend may be more vulnerable to Radicalisation and extremism for a range of reasons:

Watching or learning a lot about suffering in places of conflict and believing you cannot prevent it, can create extreme feelings of anger and alienation.
You may feel you want to do something about the injustice you perceive, including blaming and harming others.
Those intent on recruiting individuals to extremist activities may target you if you have experienced a trauma, particularly any distress associated with war or conflict, and how your family has been treated.
Organisations and individuals intent on radicalising others can be incredibly powerful and dominating.
Leaders can use their influence to induce you to feel guilt, shame and a sense of duty to a group holding a radical belief.
This form of control is often very manipulative and influential. It can make you feel intimidated or fearful of what others within the group will think of you if you disagree or fail to do as asked.
Are you worried?
Are you worried that you or someone you know is being radicalised or is spreading extremist views?
It can be hard to know what to do, but acting early can help protect someone, or others, from harm. For more information, see https://actearly.uk/
You can report your concerns confidentially to the Police Hotline on 0800 789 321.
Alternatively, you can share your concerns with an adult you can trust in your school or youth service.
The NSPCC has a short video on protecting children from radicalisation.
Advice for adults worried about a child and offer a hotline for parents/carers to talk through concerns 0808 800 5000
Immediate risk of harm?
If a child or young person is at immediate risk of significant harm, please dial 999