Did you know Chlamydia…
- Is the most common STI amongst young women and young men under 25?
- Does not always cause symptoms so most people don’t realise they have it?
- Can be treated with antibiotics?
- Can cause infertility in women and men?
Testing for Chlamydia is FREE and couldn’t be simpler!
The National Chlamydia Screening Programme recommends that all young people have a chlamydia test at least every year (from when you start having sex), or each time you have sex with a new partner without using a condom. This is regardless of whether you or the other person have any signs or symptoms. All you have to do is provide a sample of urine in a pot (‘pee in a pot’). There is no pain involved and you have a lot to gain from testing. If you do test positive for Chlamydia it can be easily treated with antibiotics.
There are lots of places across South West London which offer testing or you can order or pick up a kit and do it yourself. Then all you need to do is post it back. A pre-paid envelope is provided so it won’t cost you anything. The results can be sent to you by letter, phone or text, whichever you prefer.

Some areas also offer dual testing for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea so you can provide one urine sample and get tested for both at the same time. For a list of where you can get tested click here.

You can also visit the NHS website for more details.

Remember that the only way to protect against Chlamydia is to use a condom. Click here to find out where you can get free condoms near you.