We’re here for you.
In these extraordinary times, it’s more important than ever to look after yourself and those you care about.
Whether this is about how and what you’re eating and drinking (being at home can bring a whole new dimension to this), what exercise and fresh air you’re getting, or how well you’re sleeping.

Our information on social distancing has some useful tips and related links, including how to look after your mental health and emotional wellbeing.
Now that most of us are able to get out and about a bit more, you may also be meeting up with a few friends. As we all need to continue to protect ourselves and others from coronavirus by maintaining social distancing, it’s not a good time to start a new sexual relationship or have sex with your partner if they live in another household.

However if you do need some help around sexual health, or other health issues, whilst walk-in clinics are closed, the majority of local NHS and other services are open for business, they are just open behind closed doors. This is helping to protect services, staff and clients from further coronavirus infection.
Services that are available now to support you with your health include:
- Specialist sexual health clinics or young people’s health clinics
- Your general practice
- Pharmacies
- Support around domestic violence and sexual violence
- Online STI testing services
- Support around alcohol and substance misuse
- Emotional health and wellbeing agencies, including expanded online support
- Youth services
Walk-in clinics are closed, but you can still access these services to get the help you need to prevent further problems developing for you, your sexual partner, or your friends.
These services are confidential for all ages including those under 16 and won’t judge you.

A phone call to one of these services or looking online is the first step in getting help.
For example, rather than walk-in sexual health clinics, you will have to book a telephone or video consultation, or can get online advice from a staff member who will assess your need before discussing the next steps with you.
Don’t delay. Get in touch if you need help.
Sexual health service information for your borough during coronavirus.
Please always call first or check out individual service websites
And finally as lockdown starts to lift
3 top tips for sexual health

1. Condoms
Remember, condoms are still your best protection against STIs, and you can get these free through local condom schemes as well as purchasing cheaply online, in supermarkets and pharmacies.

2. Contraceptive pills
Make sure you’ve got enough contraceptive pills left to avoid running out. Some services are providing repeat prescriptions for a longer period of time – you can discuss this with the place from which you usually get these. (Sexwise has a great contraception checker if you have not used contraception before, or are considering a change).
Contact your GP or local sexual health service if you would like to start using contraception.

3. Emergency contraception
Emergency contraception is an emergency need! Don’t delay seeking help from a local service over the phone, or go to a pharmacy directly (as long as you have no coronavirus symptoms, or are not self-isolating) for free emergency contraception.
Coronavirus information
National information about coronavirus is available from