You can search for anything linked to emotional well‑being in our handy A-Z guide.

The internet can be a good place to find information and support and to talk anonymously – but it can also be a place filled with false, unhelpful and even dangerous information, and a place where people are abused, tricked, treated badly or exploited.
When a person is feeling unwell, anxious or scared, or when they are facing difficulties in life it is important they get the right information and help from a safe place.
Be very careful sharing any personal or private information on anything other than a youth support or counselling site with a confidentiality policy. This can put you in danger. It also means your information is no longer private and anyone could see it,
Finding information on the internet
If you look for information help or support on the internet it’s important to take steps to make sure the site and the people on it are safe and that you have control of your personal information. How would you know a site was safe? Here are some tips:
- Use a UK site that is recommended by schools or professionals (one linked from a website you know to be safe)
- If in doubt, call the phone number on the site to see if it’s real.
- Assess the advice the site gives and trust your instincts. If it encourages young people to do harmful things it’s not a safe place to be.
- Does the site seem appropriate for your age?
- No-one on a website should ever ask you to keep contact with them secret
If the content on a website makes you feel worse, concerned or scared – leave the content where it is. (don't delete!) Speak to someone you trust about it asap.
You can also report what has happened to CEOP.
If you still have unanswered questions, you can go to a service in your area for information & advice: