Don‘t know what a word means?
Then use our glossary to find out!

D is for Demisexual
Demisexual people only experience sexual attraction after developing a strong emotional bond with someone.
Date Rape
When someone goes on a date and then forces their date to have sex with them against their will.
Dental Dam
A small sheet of latex which acts as a barrier between the vagina or anus and mouth, used during oral sex.
Another name for the cap - a contraceptive device placed over the neck of the womb.
The passing of frequent and watery stools (poo) when you go to the toilet.
A pretend penis usually made from rubber or plastic that people can use to give themselves, or their partner, sexual pleasure.
Wet stuff that comes out of a penis or vagina. For girls, discharge from the vagina is normal and will happen from puberty through to the menopause. It is produced by little glands in the vagina and the cervix. It will change during the month and can make sex more pleasurable. If the discharge is a funny colour or smells unpleasant, girls should visit their local NHS Sexual Health (GUM) clinic, GP or nurse, Young Persons Sexual Health or Community Sexual Health Clinic in case of an infection. For boys, discharge from the penis is not normal and quite likely indicates an STI. The quicker it is checked out the better. To find a clinic near you visit our Services pages.
Doggy style
A sexual position where the woman is kneeling on all fours and the man enters her from behind.
Having sex gives you a high, a hit of dopamine. It’s the same high you get from taking drugs, alcohol, chocolate, even exercise! If you don’t feel good about yourself or love yourself, it’s easy to chase that high by using sex to get love, attention, affection or popularity. When having sex in a loving relationship, where you trust each other and feel comfortable with each other, it heightens the high from sex that is naturally produced. You cannot pay for that type of high or replicate it. It only comes from an organic loving connection. Yes, sex can still feel good if you don’t love the person, but it’s never going to feel as good as when you ‘have that loving feeling!’ where you can completely let go. As a baseline, make sure you’re comfortable with each other, trust each other and respect each other.
A slang term for a lesbian.
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